Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Themis of good counsel

It is never wise to dismiss a goddess or treat Her in any way disrespectfully, but it is beyond foolish to belittle Themis, who is the mother of the Fates, the One to whom the Oracle at Delphi turned. She sees all and knows more, and Her counsel and wisdom are beyond price.

She is not vindictive, but She is stern. By the same token, when in Her good graces, She is generous beyond measure.

Themis is the one to turn to when there are divination questions pending, since She can aid someone searching for truth beyond the everyday world. She has been known to give insight and inspiration. Just be sure to be properly grateful and definitely polite!

The faeries tell us that sometimes we have to take time and relax, have fun. Playtime isn't just for children; we all need to let go of the stress of daily life.

And it is then, when you are relaxed, that you will be most open to the inspiration and wisdom Themis can bring. A troubled mind doesn't hear the small, soft voice but only its own clamor.

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