Sunday, January 18, 2009

Artemis and our bodies

Artemis guards women, and promotes feminine independence.

Too often, it's hard for women to stand up for themselves. We're taught from an early age not to be rude, to treat others gently. We're told we're the fairer sex, the weaker sex, that we need to be nurtured and protected because we're incapable of doing these things for ourselves.

Artemis says Not So. We are capable of taking care of ourselves, and we don't need permission to do so. We are both gatherer AND hunter, protector and defender, and She would have us remember that.

The faeries remind us that our bodies are essential to our balance, and that we need to maintain them. But that's not the only part of being body-aware. We need to listen to our bodies. They'll tell us what we need, and equally importantly, what we don't need.

Treat your body with respect, and never doubt that you are strong and powerful and independent.

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