Monday, January 19, 2009

Hathor and visualization

Look up into a summer sky, and you'll see Hathor. She is the goddess who is represented by the Milky Way, and she too is a provider.

But Hathor knows that for growth to occur, there must be change, and in some ways, things must die to make room for the new. So it has always been, and this is hard for many to accept, even while they know it to be true. You cannot stay exactly the same; that way leads to stagnation and ruin.

For growth to occur, something must change, and in that change, frequently things will die. They may be ideas, loves, hopes but they can also be phobias, negative thoughts or habits, hatred and revenge. Death is not always devastating. It can, simply, be change.

Hathor reminds us that we will have to accept the death of the present in order to accept the promise of the future. She offers us the stars, but to grasp them, we must let go of the earth.

The faeries tell us to visualize what change we want, to see it clearly in our mind's eye, to surround it with white light and call it to us. Know that every change will bring a loss, but there's no way to grow without it.

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