Saturday, January 31, 2009

Spider Woman and friendship

Spider Woman created the world, the sun, the moon, and She reminds us that even small creatures have great power. She is often mocked, reviled and feared, but She perserveres, creating Her worlds.

Tradition tells us that it is Spider Woman who taught humans how to plant and grow, how to harvest. She gave us fire and taught us how to find shelter.

Spider Woman teaches us to find our own creativity and to spin that into success. The faeries encourage us to create friends. Friends are not to be taken lightly or for granted, and are the bulwarks in our lives, sheltering us from hard times and rejoicing with us in times of plenty.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Selene and belief

Many goddesses are associated with the moon, but Selene isn't associated with it, She is the moon with all its power and mystery. She pulls the moon across the skies, and She hides it behind the veil of shadow but She's never really gone.

She is the embodiment of all power that is felt but not always seen, the strength that is overlooked. She is the constant companion, and She can be a powerful guardian while we sleep, or She can conceal those who would do us harm if we fail to appreciate Her strength and beauty.

The faeries admonish us to look within ourselves for our inner power, that power that is reflected by the moon. Frequently it's hidden, even from us, but once you find your source of moon power, you can accomplish great things with seeming ease.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Changing Woman and belief

Changing Woman is much on my mind, as is Her other name, White Shell Woman. But mostly Changing Woman.

Women frequently change identities to suit their surroundings. It's as natural to us as breathing, really. We are often the embodiment of Changing Woman, even though we don't consciously realize it.

Changing Woman is mostly revered because of Her influence with cycles, and for women, that most frequently translates into menstrual cycles. This is a true representation of Changing Woman, since we give blood but do not die. It is a monthly sacrifice.

But we change in other ways too, and there are various rhthyms to our lives that we don't obviously see. There are the cycles of growth, from child to woman to mother to crone. There are cycles of health. There are cycles of wealth and poverty.

Sometimes these cycles rotate through more than one lifetime. It's hard to be grateful for the learning aspects of ill-health and poverty, but it's also easy to forget to be grateful for the cycles of good health and prosperity.

Changing Woman understands, but it is still wise to remember to give thanks.

The faeries remind us that we have the power inside us to bring good and negativity. It's easier to believe in the bad, but strive always to call to the good. It's harder, but the rewards are immense!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Mary and the earth

It seems that almost every culture throughout the world has a link to Mary, who could be viewed as the Mother Goddess.

She is the true creator of the world, and what makes Her most wonderful is Her humility. She did not believe in Her own creative ability until She used it -- which is a model for everyone. When She did believe, She created the angel Gabriel out of fire, and he is her fiercest defender.

Mary is compassionate and kind, She is the Mother we turn to in times of trouble and need. But, like our own earthly mothers, we should remember to include Her in our joy and love and thank Her for those gifts, especially when they are given unasked. And She does give generously, although many are unaware.

The faeries tell us to be aware of our impact on the environment, to be kind to Mother Earth, which is perhaps one of the greatest gifts from Stella Maris (another name for Mary), to guard and protect the oceans which are also special to Mary's heart. Even those with no gardening ability can help guard this precious gift.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Isis and beauty

When you hear Her name, Isis, you probably think "Queen", and you should. "Proud" and "independent" and "aloof" probably also come to mind, along with a quiet nod to Her temper.

But most people overlook Isis' passion, and that's at the heart of who She is. When She loves, nothing, not time, or other gods or even death can get between Her and Her beloved. She is the personification of determination against all odds, and while She is indeed proud and aloof and grimly independent, She is also loyal and to be respected and worshipped and yes, loved.

The faeries remind us to find beauty everywhere. When you look at Isis, beauty is obvious and in fact can be a bit overwhelming. But beauty can be found in the dust of snow on a leaf, the angle of a shadow in sunlight, the deep clear blue of a cloudless summer sky. In admiring the great beauty around you, do not forget to be thankful for the small gems that can make any day a treasure.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Rhiannon and believing in yourself

Most people think of Stevie Nicks when they hear the name "Rhiannon", and it's as good an introduction to Her as any.

Rhiannon is a Welsh goddess whose name is a derivation of Rigantona, which means "queen". And She is royalty, but She does things Her own way. She fell in love with a mortal and was willing to do whatever She could to make that union work.

Rhiannon is also associated with Epona, since They both are affiliated with horses.

When you think on Rhiannon, remember that Welsh women, both divine and mundane, are independent and fierce. Rhiannon will fight for those She loves, and She is not above using trickery to get Her way. She may seem capricious, but She is playful and joyous, loyal and true. She is generous and bountiful, but remember that She expects you to work as hard as She does on your behalf. No undeserved gifts from Her!

The faeries remind us that everything is within our grasp. All we really have to do is believe, truly believe, and the universe will give us what we need. The catch, of course, is true belief, but once you've achieved that, the faeries will help you choose wisely, because you'll have the universe at your beck and call.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Kuan Yin

Kuan Yin has a level of empathy for human emotion that goes beyond any other. She doesn't simply sympathize, She feels what humans feel. Joy and sorrow both, She immerses Herself in human emotion, and that allows Her to understand.

She is generous to those who sacrifice for others with no thought of recompense. She is often seen holding the branch of a weeping willow, symbolizing her connection to the earth through shed tears.

While Kuan Yin is not a warrior goddess in the traditional sense; when She intervenes, Her actions tend to be gentle and palliative, but make no mistake and do not think of Her as a weak goddess, because when She does get involved, She will open doors, hearts and minds, and She will shield those who have pleased Her, which is no small gift!

The faeries remind us that Kuan Yin, while traditionally associated with sorrow and suffering, does take great joy in many things, and the uplifting and healthy passion for dance, formal or simply joyous expression, is always pleasing to Her. And it makes you feel better too! Let you joy be visible in your movements, in your actions. It will bring even more joy into your life.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Themis of good counsel

It is never wise to dismiss a goddess or treat Her in any way disrespectfully, but it is beyond foolish to belittle Themis, who is the mother of the Fates, the One to whom the Oracle at Delphi turned. She sees all and knows more, and Her counsel and wisdom are beyond price.

She is not vindictive, but She is stern. By the same token, when in Her good graces, She is generous beyond measure.

Themis is the one to turn to when there are divination questions pending, since She can aid someone searching for truth beyond the everyday world. She has been known to give insight and inspiration. Just be sure to be properly grateful and definitely polite!

The faeries tell us that sometimes we have to take time and relax, have fun. Playtime isn't just for children; we all need to let go of the stress of daily life.

And it is then, when you are relaxed, that you will be most open to the inspiration and wisdom Themis can bring. A troubled mind doesn't hear the small, soft voice but only its own clamor.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Thetis and journey's end

Thetis is one of the ancient Greek goddesses, and there are those who doubt that She's a diety at all, She's slipped that far out of the public's eye.

Still, She's the sea goddess who helps you find safe harbor, who soothes you at your journey's end. She will fight to save those She loves, and She bestows great gifts to those who are beloved. She does not discriminate in whom She blesses, and has, in fact, saved other gods and goddesses when they had need of her. But She married a mortal, and She understands our wants and needs.

The faeries say that today a problem has been resolved. You may not see it yet, and in fact you may have to visualize it to bring it into view and into being, but the solution is there and is yours for the taking.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Hathor and visualization

Look up into a summer sky, and you'll see Hathor. She is the goddess who is represented by the Milky Way, and she too is a provider.

But Hathor knows that for growth to occur, there must be change, and in some ways, things must die to make room for the new. So it has always been, and this is hard for many to accept, even while they know it to be true. You cannot stay exactly the same; that way leads to stagnation and ruin.

For growth to occur, something must change, and in that change, frequently things will die. They may be ideas, loves, hopes but they can also be phobias, negative thoughts or habits, hatred and revenge. Death is not always devastating. It can, simply, be change.

Hathor reminds us that we will have to accept the death of the present in order to accept the promise of the future. She offers us the stars, but to grasp them, we must let go of the earth.

The faeries tell us to visualize what change we want, to see it clearly in our mind's eye, to surround it with white light and call it to us. Know that every change will bring a loss, but there's no way to grow without it.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Artemis and our bodies

Artemis guards women, and promotes feminine independence.

Too often, it's hard for women to stand up for themselves. We're taught from an early age not to be rude, to treat others gently. We're told we're the fairer sex, the weaker sex, that we need to be nurtured and protected because we're incapable of doing these things for ourselves.

Artemis says Not So. We are capable of taking care of ourselves, and we don't need permission to do so. We are both gatherer AND hunter, protector and defender, and She would have us remember that.

The faeries remind us that our bodies are essential to our balance, and that we need to maintain them. But that's not the only part of being body-aware. We need to listen to our bodies. They'll tell us what we need, and equally importantly, what we don't need.

Treat your body with respect, and never doubt that you are strong and powerful and independent.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Changing Woman

Changing Woman is perhaps the best name for the Goddess, since she can transform herself into Maiden, Mother and Crone as the situation merits. And of course, as Her whims dictate.

Changing Woman, though, is not really the warrior. She's a protector, certainly, but mostly She's the provider, the one who brings bounty to Her children. She's benign, and of course there are aspects of the Goddess that are not benign.

In this guise, though, She is. And with the weekend here, it's good to remember that She is watching over us. We should never take Her for granted, and thanks should be given, but we can rest assured that She is with us.

And since the faeries say that a problem has been resolved, perhaps extra thanks are in order!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

A different death and looking ahead

People associate Epona with horses, and justifiably. She guards horses and all they represent, but She's so much more than that.

Horses do represent strength and independence and power, along with an wildness of spirit that works in conjunction with others, but remember that horses do so willingly. You can't force a horse to do your bidding, not with its spirit intact. And if you break a horse's spirit, it is certain that Epona will not favor you.

But Epona's also associated with death, but not all deaths are about this physical being. We experience death every day in one way or another, whether we realize it or not. A friendship might slip away, a job might end, your car might refuse to start. These are all forms of death.

What people overlook with the death that Epona represents is that she's also the harbinger of new beginnings. With each death, she opens a door into a new life. So it's possible that your old way of life is dying and you're beginning a fresh new one is ahead of you. There will certainly be challenges, but Epona never gives you a death you can't handle, no matter how hard it seems to be.

Remember the strength and determination of the horse. You'll find your forward motion there.

And the faeries are in agreement, saying that looking to the future is what you need to do, rather than allow yourself to be mired in the past.

Like the kings of old, allow the white horse of new beginnings carry you into the future.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


White Shell Woman, who has several similar names, is concerned about hearth and home, family and health, provisions and security. She's not so much a warrior Goddess as a protector, a nurturer.

Thinking about her today in conjunction with the faeries' admonition to look inside ourselves, to trust our intuition and believe in who we are makes today a day for assessing home life, to seeing what needs repair, what needs encouragement and what needs to be discarded.

Be thoughtful and wise, letting White Shell Woman and the faeries guide your hands and heart.

A fresh baked loaf of bread would be a great gift for everyone!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Bast and Vacations

Today is a bright day to consider Bast, especially since the faeries are enjoining us to plan a vacation. The two go together well.

We all know Bast as the protector of cats, and most know Her as the protector of women, but consider Her feline nature in the light of vacations, and there's definite party atmosphere. Festivals in honor of Bast used to involve a lot of dancing and drinking and general revelry.

Today give thanks to Bast for all Her gifts. Cats understand the need to play, and we humans can learn from that. They also understand the need to rest, and that's something that's sorely missing in today's society.

Bast, while perhaps seemingly flighty and fickle in the true feline nature, is actually warm and caring and deeply protective of her family. To do honor to Bast, with both deep reverence and a playful, generous heart, can only bring good things.

And since the faeries counsel planning a vacation, who better to lead us there than Lady Bast?

Monday, January 12, 2009

The Three, Morgan and Introspection

It's no secret that there are three aspects to the Goddess, and that may very well be why She has so many names and aspects.

At least we're never bored, nor is She!

Maiden, Mother and Crone are typical, but there's one aspect that runs through all three -- that of the Warrior.

Maiden fights for causes and for her sense of self and independence.

Mother fights for family, home, security.

Crone fights for everyone who is forgotten, overlooked and downtrodden.

They all fight for self.

And there's nothing wrong with fighting for yourself and your beliefs, for your security and your love. In fact, the Goddesses encourage it! And they encourage us all to help those who are lost, who need to fight for themselves but can't.

Women are especially vulnerable in this way because we're so often taught nowadays that to fight is "unladylike" or "unwomanly", when the opposite is actually the case. We were born to fight, but not just for the sake of fighting. We fight for a cause.

Far too often we don't believe that we are a worthy cause. That needs to change.

Today I am thinking of Morgan, not the Morrigan, the goddess of war, but Morgan who fought for what she wanted, fought to hold herself sacred, and did not sacrifice her pride for harmony.

Hold onto her strength when you're feeling alone and lost and weak. She'll lend you her strength, I promise.

And the faeries say that you should look inside yourself. You'll find the strength you need, I swear.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

We gather today.

In this world of constant change and uncertainty, sometimes we have to look not only within but to others for help.

Are there many goddesses, or is there only one who uses several names?

Does it matter?

Can the faeries help us find what's in our hearts?


So here, on a daily basis, we'll look at what the goddesses have to say, see which aspect is watching over us. And we'll see what words the faeries have for us, to keep us on the proper paths.

Along the way we may find other moments of inspiration.

And donations to the goddesses and faeries are welcome, but never required. Do what you believe to be the right thing to do.